All geared up to go out to eat with Mommy
and Daddy on their anniversary. Boy does he attract
attention in this outfit, such a sweetheart!
Just snoozing in his crib. Oliver loves his quilt that
grandma made!
Grandma had her arms full with these two!
Aubriel is still trying to catch up. It might be a while
before she does though. Oliver was grabbing her hand
but of course I wasn't quick enough to catch it on camera.
Mommy needs to get quicker!
Boy has it already been a week since I've posted anything? I think about posting stuff all the time but it is just getting the time to actually sit down and do it... that's another story. I don't know what I did with all my time before having a baby!! Last week we had another busy week. Robert and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary on 5/21/09. We actually went out on a date together, although I guess you can't really count it as a date when you bring baby with. It was our first time out to eat together with just the 3 of us. Oliver does so good, he is kind of a little flirt, all you have to do is start talking to him and he gets a big grin on his face. He is tooo cute! I have been trying and trying to get good pics of his big smile but as soon as I snap the pic he goes back to no smile. I'll keep trying.
This weekend was a nice long weekend. We went to the farm in Goodhue on Sat and Sun. I think we were outside all day both days because it was so beautiful out. Perfect for lots of stroller rides around the farm. Oliver loves being outside and hanging out with his many cousins!! Robert was helping Benny on his house. Ben and Britt are adding on a garage, laundry room and a few other rooms. So as Robert was working, Oliver and I were busy playing with the girls, Leetta and Aubriel and Gandma. Zach's boys were down helping build too. The twins were there too and it is pretty funny when they are around because you never know what is going to come out of their mouths. I think it was Kelby who saw Britt, mom and I hanging out with Oliver, Aubriel, and Leetta and he was like, why is Oliver hanging out with all the girls all the time?? I think he felt bad for him or something, too funny. Anyways, I got some more pics of Oliver this weekend w/ Aubriel...