Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Look at him, sitting up so nice. He is still
working on that balance, and sometimes he gets
a little top heavy but he really does pretty good!

Bryne just loves her cousin Oliver, always wanting to
hold him, though he is getting to be almost as big
as her! Declan, Bryne's little brother is in the pic too, he just
turned 1.

Oliver got to meet some more cousins last weekend.
We all met up at a park in Eden Prairie for a picnic.
It was an absolutely perfect day for a picnic. Elizabeth is
laying next to Oliver and Matty was trying to wrestle
with him. He is 3 and Elizabeth is about 7 1/2 months,
she's got cheeks like Oliver!

Bryne was loving the water, too cute, she
will be 3 the end of this month!

Aubriel was just chillin in the shade!

Gettin some daddy time at the park
last weekend!

I finally put him in the front of the stoller, not in his car seater.
He really liked it, probably because he could see a lot more.

The big kids thought they needed to build a fort in the
haybails. It was pretty cute, they had a living room, kitchen,
bedroom and bathroom. They even brought food
up their and were eating snacks! Oh the memories of
playing in the haybails on the farm! That was on 4th of July

Leetta, Aubriel and Oliver were hanging out while
we were painting. They all did pretty well entertaining
each other!!

Really, is it really July 15th today? I can't believe it, seems like just yesterday it was May. I can't believe my baby is going to be 6 months tomorrow!! To all other moms out there, am I going to go through this disbelief with every passing month and year? I try really hard to take it all in and enjoy every minute with Oliver but it is going too fast! He is so fabulous, everytime people see him or meet him they are always like he is so happy, is he always this happy? Our response is always, yes he is! The only time he gets a little cranky is when he is tired which is at about 8-9pm. Otherwise he is happy as can be. He is still busy rolling around and now learning to sit up on his own. He kind of scoots when he's on his back by digging his heels in the floor, I'm sure any time he will be crawling all over the place. I just hope he continues to like snuggling... I may lose it if he outgrows that!

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